Michael - Scientist
Age: 57
College: University Kwazulu-Natal
Major: Computer Science
Favorite Color: White
Favorite Book: The World As I See It - Albert Einstein
Favorite Movie: Charlie Chaplin - Gold Rush
Favorite Food: Green peas on mashed potatoes with gravy.
Favorite Drink: Tea
Favorite Sport: Cycling
Favorite Saying: Let me think about that.

Michael is our Scientist. He is the one who checks that the equations for our programs are correct. (Not everyone knows 2+2 = 4) He is very good at math as he was born before calculators were invented. Michael has bachelors degree in science and learned some really hard math a long long time ago. If you spend some time with Michael he will tell a bit about South Africa where he grew up. Although he will not readily tell you he learned how to write with a dip pen when he was small. Michael loves the little town of Niwot where he lives for its quiet life where he can reflect on the meaning of Life.